Dynamic performance analysis on the focusing mechanism component of the space remote sensor 空间遥感器调焦机构组件动特性分析
Study on Dynamic Characteristics of a Microfluidic Focusing System Based on Valveless Micropumps 无阀微流控调焦系统的动态特性研究
Experimental results indicate that the phased array transducers can realize dynamic focusing with high precision. 我们对这两种相控阵进行了实验测量,结果表明,用数字控制的相控阵换能器,可以实现精密的动态聚焦,并可取得良好的聚焦效果。
Dynamic focusing effect and response histories of piezoelectric solid cylinders subjected to impact pressures on the external boundary 压电圆柱体在冲击外力作用下动应力与瞬态电势的动态效应和响应历程
Real time and dynamic control algorithm investigation on field by field focusing and leveling with high accuracy 高精度逐场调焦调平实时动态控制算法研究
A method to improve the lateral resolution of B scan image using the fuzzy control theory is introduced in this paper. Varying aperture technique, electronic focusing delay principle and dynamic real time focusing are also presented. 本文介绍了利用模糊逻辑控制理论提高B型超声图像横向分辨力的方法,文章中介绍了变孔径技术,电子聚焦延时原理及动态实时聚焦。
The first chapter introduces the principle of OCT and present ways of dynamic focusing. 本文正文分五部分,第一章简述了OCT的原理和现有动态聚焦OCT的实现方法;
Advocated are combination of theory with practice, static with dynamic state, deduction with induction, focusing on Identifying and Cultivating Athletes 'Talent. 在研究中紧扣运动员选材这一研究主题,提倡理论与实践相结合、静态描述与动态分析相结合、事实归纳与理论演绎相结合的原则。
Ultrasounic digital phased array dynamic focusing system 超声数字式相控阵换能器动态聚焦系统研制
Analysis of dynamic characteristics of focusing system based on PZT micro-actuator 基于PZT微驱动的激光直写自动调焦系统动态特性分析
Constructing a Dynamic Alliance of Hotels on the Basis of Focusing Operation 基于归核化经营的饭店动态联盟构建
A kind of real time& dynamic control algorithm on field by field. focusing and leveling of high accuracy is presented. 主要介绍一种高精度逐场调焦调平实时动态控制算法。
Experimental results indicate that the phased array transducers can realize dynamic focusing with high precision. ( 2) We measured the velocity distribution of molecular beam and dynamics properties of a standard sample. 系统测试与校准通过对分子束性质的测量以及对标准分子的动力学研究,证明了新建立的离子速度影象装置性能良好、具有高效聚焦效果并且实验数据可靠。
The dynamic focusing transducer consists of six equal step and width annular elements and the center elements. 设计的动态聚焦换能器由6个不同面积等间距、等宽度的同心圆环组成。
Compared with traditional ultrasonic probe, ultrasonic phased array probe can realize transition, deflection and dynamic focusing of acoustic beam under electronic control. 与传统的超声波探头相比,超声相控阵探头可以实现电子控制下的声束平移、偏转与动态聚焦。
As for the reality and application of maskless lithography, this paper studies the micro-actuator, defocusing sources, dynamic focusing characteristics, system hardware, system software, fabrication of rotation symmetric figure, etc. 在无掩膜光刻系统的实现和应用方面,研究了微位移执行器、动态离焦源、调焦动态特性、系统硬件、系统软件,以及在制作旋转对称图形上的应用等等。
The development of a simple dynamic focusing device for B-mode ultrasound linear scanner B超线阵显象仪简易动态聚焦装置的研制
Dynamic focusing is an effective method to keep high lateral resolution of OCT. OCT的动态聚焦是一种在大成像深度范围内保证横向分辨率的有效方法。
Web Services offer an evolution of the Internet-standards-based distributed computing model, foster a change from tightly coupled, rigid, and static solutions that focus on implementation technologies, to loosely coupled, flexible, and dynamic solutions focusing on dynamic business models. WebServices提供了一种新的基于Internet的分布式计算的模型,促进了软件体系结构从紧耦合、严格、静态的模型向松耦合、灵活、动态的商务模型发展。
Compared with traditional dynamic focusing medicine imaging system, the high frame rate ( HFR) ultrasonic imaging system only requires one transmission event to construct an image, so it can reach an ultra high frame rate. 同传统的动态聚焦医学成像相比,高帧率超声成像系统通过一次发射事件就可得到一帧图像,故可达到极高的帧率。
We have constructed a digital beam former by utilizing FPGA to realize the dynamic focusing and dynamic apodization. 采用FPGA设计全数字式的波束合成器实现孔径的合成。
The computation of dynamic correction in electron beam focusing and deflection systems 电子束聚焦和偏转系统中动态修正的计算
To resolve the conflict between the transverse resolution and depth imaging range, an approach to realize dynamic focusing in OCT using liquid crystal Fresnel zone lens is proposed. 针对OCT系统横向分辨率和纵向成像范围间的矛盾,提出一种基于液晶菲涅耳波带透镜的OCT动态聚焦方法。
Along with the growing intensity of competition and the dynamic developments in most industries, companies have been more and more focusing on the importance of customer satisfaction. Mostly because this factor always brings considerable economic benefits to them. 随着行业的竞争成长和动态发展,企业已经逐渐意识到顾客满意往往能够为企业带来更多的经济效益。
Ultrasonic testing technology by phased array is such a testing technique, in which dynamic focusing and high-speed scan can be carried out by controlling phase delay to ultrasonic array transducer and obtaining flexible and controllable synthesis waves. 相控阵列超声检测技术是一种通过对超声阵列换能器各阵元进行相位延时控制,获得灵活可控的合成波束以实现动态聚焦和高速扫查的检测技术。
Real-time dynamic focusing is replaced by data synthetic focusing, getting the same testing information. 采用检测信息的数值合成聚焦代替实时动态聚焦,可以得到与相控阵相同的检测信息。
Phased array ultrasonic testing can accomplish dynamic focusing, obtain visual image, inspect component of complex geometry. Also it can improve detection sensitivity, resolution and SNR, so it has recently been highly recognized in NDT research domain. 它具有能够进行动态聚焦、可进行成像检测、可以检测复杂形状物体、能提高检测灵敏度、分辨力和信噪比的多项优点,近年来已成为国际无损检测界的研究热点。
Firstly, the constructing clue is locating the aim on corporate governance, citing dynamic designing, focusing on the person, and enhancing soft control. 首先对内部控制体系的构建思路是将内控目标定位于公司治理层面上,其次采用动态的设计,重视人的作用,加强软控制。
Furthermore, the failures and their dynamic transfer processes were studied. 3. Focusing at the functional and structural characteristics of helicopter power transmission systems, this paper analyzed hardware reliability, human reliability, and software reliability detailedly. 针对直升机动力与传动系统在功能与结构上的特点,详细研究了与之相关的硬件可靠性、人因可靠性以及软件可靠性。
A new optical system is also proposed in my paper, to use the system of after the scanning objectives lens composed of galvanometer and dynamic focusing lens. 同时本文也提出了一种全新的光路系统,利用振镜和动态聚焦镜构成的物镜后扫描进行加工。